All Village Corporations are Members
Review the different options for Membership and determine your level of support for ANVCA to select the best choice for your Village Corporation.
Full vs. Affiliate Members According to the ANVCA Bylaws:
Contact Us for information on becoming a member.
Denali Membership is suggested for Alaska Native Village Corporations whose annual revenues exceed $50 million and/or those that highly support the value of the organization for the opportunities, education and advocacy it provides to Village Corporations. – Preferred Level
Mount Saint Elias Membership is suggested for Alaska Native Village Corporations whose annual revenues range between $20 and $50 million.
Mount Blackburn Membership is suggested for Alaska Native Village Corporations whose annual revenues range between $5 and $20 Million.
Mount Alverstone Membership is suggested for Alaska Native Village Corporations whose annual revenues range between $1 – $5 million.
Mount Kennedy Membership is suggested for Alaska Native Village Corporations whose annual revenues are less than $1 million as follows:
Revenue Dues
$801 - $999k $800
$601 - $800k $600
$401 - $600k $400
Under $400k $200